Page 11 - Tigerfish 2024 TFZ
P. 11

THE MIDDLE ZAMBEZI                                THE LOWER ZAMBEZI


              The Upper Zambezi River ends abruptly as it cascades over   From beyond the dam wall at Lake Kariba we now enter
              the magnificent Victoria Falls, this massive river is forced   the section of the river which is known as The Lower
              down a narrow gorge and eventually flows into the man-  Zambezi, this section of the river offers fantastic big
              made Lake Kariba. Lake Kariba was created in 1958 when   game viewing combined with world class fishing. Most
              the dam wall was finally finished; the “lake” took 5 years to   large mammals that occupy the Lower Zambezi national
              fill and has become a manmade inland “sea” supporting a   park congregate on the floodplains including: buffalo,
              vast array of wildlife species and fantastic dam fishing. Lake   numerous elephants, lions, leopards and many antelope
              Kariba is approx. 220kms long and in parts up to 40kms   species plus crocodiles and hippos. Birdlife is prolific
              wide! Since the lake was established a vibrant local fishing   so if the fishing is a bit on the quiet side the wildlife will
              industry has grown in conjunction. In the early years a   keep you occupied until those hungry tigers go on the
              major protein source, the Tanganyika sardine (Limnothryssa   bite again!
              miodon), known locally as ‘kapenta’ (fresh water white bait)
              was introduced,                                   Fishing the lower Zambezi is best during the summer
                                                                months between September and May but again the
              This species flourished and by co-incidence happens to be a   winter months can offer good catches depending on
              favourite food source of our target species the tiger fish. The   methods used to entice the ever hungry tiger to feed
              tiger fish in Lake Kariba can grow up to 15kgs ( Zimbabwean   and strike. Tiger fish and many species of bream are
              Jennifer Daynes hold the record tiger fish that weighed in at   common on this section of the river as well as huge
              16,193 kilograms! ) as food is readily available.  Vundu, a member of the catfish family.

                                                                                         TIGER GEAR GUIDE 2024  11
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