Page 3 - Tigerfish 2024 TFZ
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        BOTSWANA                            MOZAMBIQUE                         SOUTH AFRICA

        The Okavango Delta and Chobe Rivers   If trophy Tigers are what you’e after   The northern rivers in Mpumalanga offer
        are undoubtedly the main attractions for   dams like Cahora Bassa and closer   prime Tiger fishing in the Komatit and Sabie
        Tiger Anglers, rent a houseboat or stay   to home Massingir should be on your   Rivers.  If you live down south, Lake Jozini and
        in one of the many lodges and book a   bucket list, as well as remote stretches   the Pongola River offer Tiger fishing in the
        guide during your stay.             of the mighty Zambezi.             most southern part of their range.

                                                                                         TIGER GEAR GUIDE 2024  3
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